Although it was not well documented until much later but this method has become extremely popular once again in the 20th century. The stressful lives of people have caused them physical and mental illness and their overall wellness has been adversely affected. Yoga has the ability to vitalize the body and rejuvenate both the mind and the soul.
It requires a lot of training and concentration. To name a few systems that are vitalised we can start with the skeleton-muscular system and go on till the digestive tract and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Yoga gives your body flexibility and stamina. It helps to control weight either through loss or gain. This is the beauty of yoga, it is all about maintaining balance doesn’t matter which side of the line you are currently.
Yoga also has a number of spiritual effects equal in impact to meditation. The best time for yoga is just before sunrise. It improves your blood flow and allows the body to detoxify. If you practice yoga regularly you will see a change in your entire persona and perspective towards life.