Inverse these building you’ve the Presidential Palace. It was patched up in the eighties and this Maldives fascination now holds the government offices. It is a great spot to stop over amid the city visit, we strolled over the entire island by foot so did stop by and take some picture. The mosque is extremely terrific and enormous and I strove for the Friday petitions to God to this gigantic mosque, it was truly pleasant.
The Male Friday Mosque is a pleasant spot to visit for visitors. It's the biggest conceivable mosque in Male and is excellent, serene, clean, no confinements for sightseers of non-Islamic confidence, with the exception of the 5 times supplications to God. Most of the tourists visiting the place are non Muslims. While visiting the Male Friday mosque, I felt the structure was speaking the historical backdrop of Islam in Maldives. The lime stone and the wood workmanship of the structure is impressive and you will never see it any other place else, furthermore the environment around provides for you a crisp breeze. I had great time going around the mosque taking a gander at the routine Maldivian workmanship on the roofs and boards utilizing finish work.